The ABCs of Biotech for Christians

First in a series: The ABCs of Biotech for Christians

The biomed and biotech sciences are far beyond the layperson’s understanding. Yet, as Christians, we need to be selective about which of their inventions to endorse and to seek out for loved ones or ourselves for healthcare help.

Perhaps if we can learn a little at a time, we will feel less overwhelmed when we must make a decision about a technology or procedure that is unclear to us from a Christian standpoint. We will be able to give an opinion when asked.

In this blog series we will look at diseases, treatments, research and lots more relating to biomed and biotech quests, successes and dangers.

We are asking: How does God judge this practice or research area? It will be a random study, using the alphabet as the construct for topics. I hope to post once a week.

Let’s start with some definitions, mostly from internet (www) search and dictionaries:

The natural science that involves the study of life and living organisms, including their physical structure, chemical composition, function, development and evolution— unless a Christian rejects the theory of evolution and instead pursues these studies from the vantage ground of divine creation, which will yield much more insightful results.
Application of natural sciences, especially biology and physiology, to clinical medicine. Example: Using sound waves in research and treatment.
The branch of biology that deals with the normal functions of living organisms and their parts.
At its simplest, biotechnology is technology based on biology. Biotechnology harnesses cellular and biomolecular processes to develop technologies and products that help improve our lives and the health of our planet. Example: Research focusing on microbiome—the combined genetic material of the microorganisms in a particular environment— for developing new diagnostics, new therapies and “probiotic” products to prevent dangerous microbe imbalances.

Next week: A is for autism...

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Angel fish
Public Domain, Link

...and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind ... the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind ...the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good. -Genesis 1


A SistersSite eBook

Flesh and Bone and The Protestant Conscience is an e-book on It is 99¢ and in the Amazon lending library as well. It is also available here in PDF format. The book description follows.

Would you let your conscience be your guide?

Does God care if the skin and bone of the dead are passed along to the living for medical uses? Is organ donation OK with God? Should you sign a Living Will?

Did you know that dead organ donors are often anesthetized before their organs are removed? Do you know the current definition of death? The conscience cannot function without facts.

As we ponder the ethics of in vitro fertilization, stem cell research and man-made chimeras, our thoughts trail off. How then should we live? (Ez 33:10)

How should a Christian think about euthanasia by starvation when doctors and the state attorney general all agree it is time to withhold feeding from a brain injured patient? Some things are family matters, but someday it may be our family.

Here is a small book to help you think about whether you want to sign your driver's license, donate a kidney, cremate your loved one, and many other practical questions that may arise in the course of your healthcare decisions or watch over others.

It offers a special focus on the doctrine of the Resurrection that is related to such decisions. Sunday School classes and Bible Study groups could use this book to facilitate discussion about the issues covered.